
Musavat Party
  Müsavat Partiyası  
Leader Isa Gambar
Founders Mammed Amin Rasulzade, Abbasgulu Kazimzade, Taghi Nagioglu
Founded 1911
Ideology Modern:
Social liberalism,
Economic liberalism,
Classical liberalism
European affiliation European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party
Official colors Blue
Politics of Azerbaijan
Political parties

The Müsavat (Equality) Party (Azerbaijani: Müsavat Partiyası) is the oldest existing political party in Azerbaijan. Its history can be divided into three periods: Early (old) Musavat, Musavat-in-exile and New Musavat.


Early (Old) Musavat (1911 - 1923)

Musavat was founded in 1911 in Baku as a secret organization by Mammed Amin Rasulzade, Mammed Ali Rasulzade (cousin of Mammed Amin Rasulzade), Abbasgulu Kazimzade and Taghi Nagioglu. Its initial name was a Muslim Democratic Musavat Party. The first members were Veli Mikayiloghlu, Seyid Huseyn Sadig, Abdurrahim bey, Yusif Ziya bey and Seyid Musavi bey. Early Musavat members also included future Communist leader of Azerbaijan SSR Nariman Narimanov.[1] This initiative was coming from Mammed Amin Rasulzade, who was then living in exile in Istanbul.[2]


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The Musavat's programme, which appealed to the Azerbaijani masses and assured the party of the sympathy of the Muslims abroad, announced the following aims:

1. The unity of all Muslim peoples without regard to nationality or sect.
2. Restoration of the independence of all Muslim nations.
3. Extension of material and moral aid to all Muslim nations which fight for their independence.
4. Help to all Muslim peoples and states in offence and in defence.
5. The destruction of the barriers which prevent the spread of the above-mentioned ideas.
6. The establishment of contact with parties striving for the progress of the Muslims.
7. The establishment, as need might arise, of contact and exchange of opinion with foreign parties which have the well being of humanity as their aim.
8. The intensification of the struggle for the existence of all Muslims and the development of their commerce, trade and economic life in general.[3]

In its early years before the first world war, Musavat was a relatively small, secret underground organization, much like its counterparts throughout the Middle East, working for the prosperity and political unity of the Muslim and Turkic-speaking world.[4] During this time, the Musavat party supported some pan-Islamist and pan-Turkist ideas.[5][6][7][8][9] Pan-Turkic element in Musavat's ideology was a reflection of the novel ideas of the Young Turk revolution in Ottoman Empire. The founders of this ideology were Azerbaijani intellectuals of Russian Empire, Ali-bey Huseynzadeh and Ahmed-bey Agayev (known in Turkey as Ahmet Ağaoğlu), whose literary works used the linguistic unity of Turkic-speaking peoples as a factor for national awakening of various nationalities inhabiting the Russian Empire.

Although Musavat espoused pan-Islamic ideology and its founder was sympathetic to the pan-Turkic movement, the party supported the tsarist regime during the First World War.[10] Russia's social democrats received the foundation of Musavat in what they considered "imperial, orientalist terms, governed by the long-standing ideological categories of Muslim backwardness, treachery and religious fanaticism",[11] as a betrayal of historic proportions. In the words of one Soviet analyst, Rasulzade and the Muslim social democrats of Baku had "made a 180 degree turnaround straight from Bolshevism to pan-Islamism".[4] This was a potent and tenacious charge, targeting the Muslims as deviant and disloyal minority within the empire, manipulated by the "traitorous Musavat".[3]

The Menshevik and Social Revolutionary parties of Baku, both largely dependent upon the support of selected Georgian, Armenian and Jewish cadrees, as well as upon the ethnic Russian workers, had long vilified the Muslims as "inert" and "unconscious".[4] For them as well as for Bolsheviks, Constitutional Democrats and Denikinists, the Musavat, by default, was the false friend of social democracy, just a party of feudal "beks and khans". These accusations, centerpieces of a paranoid style in social-democratic politics, have endured in the historical literature far beyond their origins.[4] But this form of attitude also alienated predominant Muslim groups from Russia's mainstream social democrats, as Musavat's shifting politics and populist slogans started receiving bigger appeal among the Muslim worker audience. Musavat leaders were largely well-educated professionals from the upper class echelons of Azerbaijani Turkish society; its mass membership, most recruited between 1917 and 1919, comprised the poorly-educated Muslims underclass of Baku.[4]

Early Musavat under Rasulzade leadership

After the Amnesty act of 1913 dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, Mammed Amin Rasulzade returned to Azerbaijan and undertook party leadership. Despite party still being secret, Rasulzade managed to found newspaper "Achig Soz"(1915–1918), in which Musavat's aims and goals, this time polished and defined in Rasulzade's interpretations, were implicitly advocated. Only after February Revolution, when Musavat ceased to be a secret organization and became a legal political party, newspaper officially became party's organ.

The Baku Committee of Muslim Social Organizations, as well as the Musavat, were quite radical during the early days of the February Revolution: they wanted a democratic republic, which would guarantee the rights of Muslims.[12] The Soviet historian, A. L. Popov, writes that the Musavat cannot be a priori classified as a reactionary party of Khans and Beks, because in the early revolutionary period the Musavat stood on the positions of democracy and even socialism. "Until a certain time the Baku Committee of Muslim Social Organizations and the Musavat party successfully fulfilled the mission not only of representing the general national interests but also of guiding the Azerbaijani workers' democracy".[13]

On June 17, 1917, Musavat merged with the Party of Turkic Federalists, another national-democratic right-wing organization founded by Nasibbey Usubbekov and Hasan bey Agayev, taking on a new name of Musavat Party of Turkic Federalists.[3] Thus, Musavat became the main political force of Caucasian Muslims.

In October 1917 Musavat convoked in its first congress where it adopted new covenant, with 76 articles. Particularly, new covenant[14] said:

Article 1: The form of the state of Russia should be a federative democratic republic based on principles of the national autonomy.
Article 3: All ethnicities having territories of compact inhabiting n any part of Russia should receive national autonomy. Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkistan and Bashkortostan should receive a territorial autonomy, Turks living along the Volga and the Crimean Turks should receive a cultural autonomy in the case of impossibility of territorial autonomy. The Party considers as its sacred duty to support any non-Turkic ethnicities’ quests for autonomy and help them.
Article 4: Ethnicities having no exact territory of compact inhabiting should receive national cultural autonomy.

Musavat became the 10th largest party elected to the Russian Constituent Assembly(1918).[15]

Musavat in ADR Government

After the disintegration of Russian Empire and declaration of independence of Azerbaijan, Musavat became the leading party of newly established Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, holding majority of mandates in its parliaments, at first in Azerbaijani National Council and then in Parlaman ("parliament"), Rasulzade being its first head of state(28 May 1918 - 7 December 1918). Under the Musavat's leadership, Azerbaijan in 1918 became the first secular democracy in the Muslim world. A year later, in 1919, Azerbaijani women were granted the right to vote,[16] several years before the U.S. and some European countries.

The following Musavat members held positions in successive ADR governments:

First cabinet (May 28, 1918 - June 17, 1918)

Second cabinet (June 17, 1918 - December 7, 1918)

Third cabinet (December 12, 1918 - March 14, 1919)

Fourth cabinet (March 14, 1919 - December 22, 1919)

Fifth cabinet (December 12, 1919 - April 1, 1920)

After the fall of the first Republic in April 1920 as a result of the Bolshevik invasion, Musavat switched to secret activities again, by forming a secret committee, in which even famous Azeri playwright Jafar Jabbarli participated. Committee's most famous action was the preparation of the Rasulzade's flight from the Russian SFSR to Finland. Overall, Musavat prepared and conducted several armed insurgents, e.g. rebellions of Ganja, Karabakh,Zagatala and Lankoran. But Soviets also repressed Musavat by arresting at least 2 000 members of Musavat until 1923. Most prominent Musavat members thus were killed, exiled or escaped abroad and party ceased its activities in Azerbaijan in 1923.

Musavat in exile

Activities of Musavat in exile begin in the end of 1922 and in the beginning of 1923. in order to coordinate and lead these activities Mammed Amin Rasulzade established a Foreign Bureau of Musavat in 1923, but also created the Azerbaijani National Center in order to coordinate their activity with other Azeri political immigrants not affiliated with Musavat. Istanbul became the center of Musavat-in-exile in 1920s and early 30s, before moving to Ankara in late 1940s.

Members of the Foreign Bureau

Members of the Azerbaijani National Center

Chairmen of Musavat in exile

Newspapers and journals published by Musavat party in exile

New Musavat

The resurrection of Musavat in Azerbaijan came in 1989, during the second independence of Azerbaijan. A group of intellectuals created Azerbaijan National Democratic New Musavat Party. Later that group formed Restoration Center of Musavat party and was recognized by Musavat-in-exile. in 1992 delegates of New Musavat and Musavat-in-exile gathered in III Congress of Musavat and re-established party as Musavat Party. One of the leaders of Popular Front, Isa Gambar was elected its chairmen. He remains its leader up to date.The party structure consists of "Başqan" (Leader), "Divan" (Executive Board), and "Məclis" (Congress).

Since 1993, Musavat was in the opposition to the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. At the last elections (5 November 2000 and 7 January 2001), the party won 4.9 % of the popular vote and 2 out of 125 seats. As party's candidate, its leader Isa Qambar won 12.2 % of the popular vote in the 15 October 2003 presidential elections. At the parliamentary elections of 6 November 2005, it joined the Freedom alliance, and won inside the alliance 5 seats. Musavat is also known for its protests against the Azerbaijani government such as that took place on 16 October 2003, after Isa Qambar had lost the election[17] as well as on March 12, 2011.[18]


  1. ^ van Schendel, Willem; Zürcher, Erik Jan (2001). Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World. I.B.Tauris. ISBN 1860642616. 
  2. ^ (Azerbaijani) Orujlu, Maryam (2001) (in az). Müsavat Partiyası: Ölkədə və Mühacirətdə, 1911-1992. Baku: Azerneshr. "M.A. Resuloğlu (1962). "Müsavat Partisinin kuruluşu", Müsavat bülteni, 14, İstanbul, 10" 
  3. ^ a b c (Russian) Гусейнов, Мирза Давуд (1927). "1: Программа и тактика". Тюркская демократическая партия федералистов "Мусават" в прошлом и настоящем. Baku. 
  4. ^ a b c d e Smith, Michael G. (April 2001). "Anatomy of a Rumour: Murder Scandal, the Musavat Party and Narratives of the Russian Revolution in Baku, 1917-1920". Journal of Contemporary History 36 (2): 216–218. doi:10.1177/002200940103600202. 
  5. ^ Pan-Turkism: From Irrendentism to Cooperation by Jacob M. Landau P.55
  6. ^ Musavat Party (Azerbaijan)
  7. ^ Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires by Aviel Roshwald, page 100
  8. ^ Disaster and Development: The politics of Humanitarian Aid by Neil Middleton and Phil O'keefe P. 132
  9. ^ The Armenian-Azerbaijan Conflict: Causes and Implications by Michael P. Croissant P. 14
  10. ^ Mostashari, Firouzeh (2006). On the Religious Frontier: Tsarist Russia and Islam in the Caucasus. I.B.Tauris. p. 144. ISBN 1850437718. 
  11. ^ Brower, Daniel (Fall 1996). "Russian Roads to Mecca: Religious Toleration and Muslim Pilgrimage in the Russian Empire". Slavic Review 55 (3): 567–584. doi:10.2307/2502001. JSTOR 2502001. 
  12. ^ Kazemzadeh, Firuz (1951). The Struggle for Transcaucasia, 1917-1921. New York: Philosophical Library. p. 51. 
  13. ^ (Russian) Попов, А. Л. (1924). "Из Истории Революции В Восточном Закавказье, 1917-1918". Пролетарская Революция 30 (7): 118. 
  14. ^ (Russian) Балаев, Айдын (1990). Азербайджанское национально-демократическое движение, 1917-1920. Baku. pp. 74–82. 
  15. ^ Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions, IV
  16. ^ "US Suffrage Movement Timeline, 1792 to present", Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership (retrieved 19 August 2006)
  17. ^ Müsavat Partiyasinin Tarixi
  18. ^ Barry, Ellen (12 March 2011). "Azerbaijani Protesters Are Arrested". The New York Times.